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Tilia Chair Sessions – Shell

In the first Tilia Chair Sessions, where Shell-P, the new member of the Shell Armchair Family, was introduced live on Wednesday, April 7, product designer Kunter Şekercioğlu answered questions under the moderation of Nurgül Yardim Meriçliler. Tilia Chair Sessions, the first session of which was held live on Tilia Youtube channel, was held with Shell-P, the new member of the Shell Armchair Family designed by Kunter Şekercioğlu. During the meeting, which was broadcast live, Industrial Designer Kunter Şekercioğlu, Co-Founder and Design Director of Kilittaşı Tasarım, spoke under the moderation of Architect Nurgül Yardim Meriçliler. At the end of the broadcast, he also answered the questions on Youtube.